Your YES vote will generate tax revenue so that NISD can offer a competitive salary to teachers and staff, keep class sizes small, and fund state-mandated programs that keep teachers and students safe.
Vote YES for NISD Proposition A
Why should you vote YES?
The state of Texas has budgeted $4 billion for public schools but politicians would rather play games than release those funds for teachers and students.
This vote will provide funding to keep class sizes small, keep important student programs, and ensure competitive compensation for teachers and staff —without a penny going back to the state. For just $10 a month on a $500,000 home, you can make a huge difference in the NISD community and in your local schools.
Early voting starts October 21, and Election Day is November 5.
77% of Texas teachers seriously considered leaving the profession in 2022 due to high levels of stress, feeling undervalued, excessive workload, administrative burdens, and poor pay and benefits.